Is anyone else as heartily sick of the whole vampire craze as I am?
No, seriously. I get the classics - Bram Stoker (though I have no personal desire to read Dracula) earned a place in literary history. That's cool. But the recent trend towards glamorizing the evil undead has just gotten really, really boring, particularly as it's been paired with teen romance (a genre that makes me personally want to hurl rocks). Don't even get me started on Twilight, I'm warning you.
(IMHO, the only vampire novel worth reading is Robin McKinley's Sunshine. Just sayin'.)
(Also, the whole MHI series by Larry Correia, in which vampires are their traditional nasty selves and get slain. A lot.)
But the straw that just broke my camel's back? Vampire, the fragrance. No, really. Click the link. There you go. I'll wait while you clean up the mess. I mean for crying out loud, what's it supposed to smell like, O-positive? I sincerely hope this is a joke, but there is no holding of breath going on here.
Can we all please agree that this trend has run its course and call it a day? Er, night?